Saturday, October 10, 2009

four and full of it!

well...four years ago today i had my oldest baby boy.... one of the best days of my life.  he is truly the gift that keeps on giving (you would agree if you knew him).  heres to you sweetest monkey, i hope you had a most fabulous time ever at your birthday bash!!

if the hat fits.... (and is only a little uncomfortable under the chin)

thanks lolly for the oh-so-yummy cupcakes, they were deeelicious and the monkey felt pretty special with his own birthday cake. did he eat it? of course not, he is not into sweets but you can bet his middle brother did.....
fitting that i chose wine labeled "red" truck- don't you think?

favors for the fellow fire fighters

we rode firetrucks and climbed in blow up ones too...

here she is...the love of my first born's life... how could you not love this face?  i don't blame you monkey

thats my baby, my youngest baby anyway.... sweet as pumpkin pie folks
and below his second mom taking care of him...

it rained a bit so, we decided to take shelter and shove pizza, popcorn, and cake in front of the kiddos (it worked)

these beautiful things are my nieces.... taking it all in

i hope your wish comes true my biggest baby, again and again and again!! thats my wish for you

below are pictures of the fam.  they lingered around, 'cause thats what families do, ya know?

this is our mimi... we are happy to have her back from spain (our mimi is a busy bee you see)  the babies are always excited to see her (all SIX of them, thats right....3 boys and 3 girls.... 4 and under)

this is what happens to baby boys on their 4th birthday when their friends leave..... God bless this little monkey- we love you too much!

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