Tuesday, October 27, 2009

excuse me...

while i throw everyone under the bus.
No, that is actually what i am trying to avoid doing.  As i have invited you all to "come to my window" and enjoy a dose of smiths;  heck, i have actually opened the door and brought you in for a cocktail at this point, drank too many and revealed too much.

Anyway,  to answer some questions i have been ask by some readers... NO, i do not call my boys by these names... we don't have pet names at my house- i like their real ones and call by them most of the time (or the dogs names, they all come running no matter what name i say) Sure, i say the middle child's name a heeping load more than the others but just all part of the smith family experience i guess.... i was trying to avoid using real names so that no one may feel exposed, no one comes and snatches anyone away, or feels thrown under the bus.  I do my best to ask before i post on YOU so not to throw you under there too.
so... i am kinda tired of these names (may think of some new because you see my lil' hornet is only hornet-like on half the days and angelic the other half) and monkey, is a BIGGEST 4 year old in the whole wide world.  is he too big to be named "monkey"? i should call him Mr. president because turning four last week he is quite sure "actually mom is what he would say" he knows it all and could run the world  and whitmore, my baby is too sweet for any name but perfection at its best! i will call the dogs by their real names because there are some days when i wish the stalker would take them away....just kidding puppies, only a joke but please get out from under my feet before i spill hot coffee on you...

 i will keep you all updated so you can keep track of them but for now, i am throwing you, them, me all under the bus.... bring something and we will have us a grande time!!

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