Wednesday, October 14, 2009

confessions of a far from desperate housewife

i thought i may share some of my crazy tid-bits with readers who are just starting the blog relationship with me: confessions  listed here:

  • my hubby makes my coffee every single morning which according to my older wiser brother is more of a milkshake
  • i love to cook and do it almost every night except weekends
  • my hubby, three boys and i eat three meals at home almost everyday TOGETHER
  • i am a neat freak although very laid back and don't mind you or your kids or my boys making a mess but rest assure i will have it clean asap but enjoy doing it so come over and make messes, i LOVE the company!!!
  • i don't save anything except very few things for boys and pictures, i delete an email as soon as i read as to not clutter up my inbox, i do NOT like clutter
  • i like to organize the boys toys all the time and put the right men with the right trucks, in tupperware labeled (thanks for labeling them miss allie) in the playroom closet..... the little hornet in my life has helped me work out of this, we don't know where anything is to most our toys anymore and NOTHING stays in the right place.  and this is okay.
  • i usually have a yummy smelling candle going in the kitchen if i am home... i love things that smell good, clean clothes, household cleaner, candles, soap, you get the idea....Right now i have the best smelling pumpkin/fall candle going daily and it smells so good you want to eat it!
  • all our clothes hang one way on the hanger, all facing the same direction in all closets....
  • i love old southern names for children, i love double names and almost double named my third boy john mitchell
  • i love being the mom to three boys and would have another if i could get him at 4 months and not have to be pregnant
  • i love flowers outside and in, i usually always have some in my kitchen, usually pink too.
  • i love yard work, if i have time, i can usually recruit someone to do it with me around here
  • i am not a tv watcher and can honestly say i have not seen one single show (except noggin cartoons) in a very long time (not even the news so let me know if somethings coming our way), i can rarely do movies maybe when its a good one and i don't fall asleep
  • i can't stand leaves in the yard during fall esp. wet ones and hate to see them in the street gutter before the garbage guy picks them up
  • i love kids clothes and it kinda bugs me those moms who don't
  • i am seasonal eater and drinker.... salads in the summer, soup in the winter, white wine in summer, red in fall and winter (summer too depending) bourbon in fall and winter, vodka drinks in summer, you get the idea.  i wouldn't cook a roast in the summer (or ever, we don't like them but just an example)
  • i don't enjoy reading books, it takes too long and puts me to sleep (maybe because i don't have time) but i am in TWO book clubs.  i love magazines and obsessed with children's books and LOVE to read to my boys... we read three times a day usually and ALWAYS at night, maybe 5 or 6 books a night depending on the day we have had, i will always finish it too even if they fall asleep and never skip pages...
  • i love my family which keeps me from doing some things and truly miss them when they are in mothers day out/work, the monkey and little hornet go to school tues. and thursdays ( i keep lil' lamb home with me, he is just a baby)
  • my hubby and i never fight, we are the exception to the rule opposites attract and are VEry MUCH the same and usually always on the same page about things. (maybe because i am ALWAYS right, ha! or because i have the sweetest hubby ever who spoils me rotten)
  • i was born believing rules were meant to be broken!  
  • i can laugh at myself with the best of them and wish you could too
  • the only wish i have for my boys is to always be happy and be NICE PEOPLE, i honestly don't care if they are successful (wealthy) or what they do in life, as long as they are happy and NICE to everyone.  
  • i could throw up if you made me touch your kitchen sponge, i strongly dislike them
  • i don't like it when people clog the sink up to wash dishes, the water is dirty folks, so how are the dishes getting clean?
  • i would gag if i had to get hair out of a drain, even my own
  • i love house stuff- decor 
  • i love to entertain and have people over, come on and believe the "more the merrier"
  • i love to ride in boats, i love to be on the water about anywhere, i love music, being out in the woods, to ride four wheelers, wish i had a farm with cows and a pretty barn and enjoy a party or two!
  • i could live off meat, cheese and potatoes with a side of wine
  • everyone at my house is a picky eater except my furry friends, they will eat and try to eat anything
  • my favorite colors are pink and blue
  • i am scared of snakes and sharks and wish my boys would quit bringing me earth worms and other slimy bugs!
  • many more "things" to disclose as our blog gets deeper, i can't lay it all on the line now, my mama taught me better than that.  
UPDATE on mom:   not really anything to report... cat scan showed what one doctor needed to see, another one implanted a pain relief deal (that failed miserably in the middle of the night), several doctors meeting today or tomorrow to make sure everyone is on same page for what we HOPE is a relief of a surgery.... life is not good but prayers are and it will be better soon!!

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