Monday, March 8, 2010

on this day!

we are LOVING the warm sunshine... you better be.
After getting my biggest baby settled into preschool, packed and set for SOCCER (capital letters apply there as he is SO VERY EXCITED!) He is home and LOVED it and back off to play outside with his buddies..... don't you LOVE the sun shining down?
back to the sentence started..... after getting him set the rest of us headed to lolly's to enjoy the sunshine with her on Her BIRTHDAY!  all her sisters were in town to help celebrate and her cousin came over too.  We enjoyed lunch picnic style and the boys entertained us all.... Can you guess who LOVED the attention?  his name is Sam by dam!

our centerpiece..... a yummy one too!

not to be over looked.... the littlest lamb 
and lolly and big daddy's sidekick... 

and what i am LOVING....
windows that crank OUT to enjoy the warm spring air......

i am NOT loving that ENORMOUS pile of dirty clothes sitting there..... every time i turned around!!!!
i am having a hard time staying on task today.... do laundry or change my closets out to spring clothes and discover what all i will NEED this season......  wink. wink.  move all the boys wintery things laundry, iron?  vaccum?  i mean, that takes not a second longer to decide.
Dear Daddyc, 
we are going to have to double team the basket of clothes tonight as i am about to head outside and enjoy this day..... sorry! oh and i love you and wish you too were outside instead of at, me 

another open window AND my brilliant boys artwork. Aren't they talented???? 

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