Friday, March 26, 2010

i believe...

Dear Mom,
I am more than sorry you are having to go through this.....even more wish it were me.... even more know you are the strongest person i know....(dad is NOT FAR BEHIND at all....)  Hang in there and you have to believe the words they are telling you "it will get better!"
i love you to the moon and back.

*My mom has had a really tough week.  Pray she will find comfort and happiness in her weekend to come!  She went ahead with chemo yesterday like a champ!!*

Enjoy your weekends blog followers, i know i will.  

while i won't be swinging on the beach, i wish i was.....
but i will be dining at someone else's happy home;  me and my plus one plus about 14 others!
i will be waiting PATIENTLY for my plus one to arrive home from work.... yeah, you are right, i will be pacing the floor and watching the clock but will work on relaxing in the mean time??? 
Dear Caroline.
We will try hard, very hard not to take the first jet outTA here and if it happens take good care of my babies

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