Thursday, August 12, 2010

round here.

we have been making pizzas that my biggest baby has BEGGED to do...don't know why?  
Did he EAT it? why no, of course not, he ran across the street to play with a friend as fast as he could.  He did come back eventually but ate only his fruit and called it a night.... I mean.... was it worth it?  Jury is STIlL out!!
we went and collected all our needs which sounds SO Easy, right?  well, one baby in the cart, TWO pushing their own little carts.... or ramming them into one another like bumper cars, running into displays, loading ALL the peanuts in the whole store into their carts and taking out some of what we really "needed".  me disrupting ANYONE who was there at the time trying to think and get exactly what they needed for supper while i was trying to locate all my boys on separate isles....  GOodness gracious, i think we are a traveling circus to say the least.  And the sad thing is, that grocery trip was easy, no melt downs for junk we don't need, LOTS of laughter running like mad with their OWN carts, running into no sweet old ladies, and  just a couple of groceries and we were good to go home and cook!  
trying to save time, we tried to grate BOTH cheeses at one time...
this child was still outside, and right behind that little rock curb is a BIG thing of dirt, and you can't tell from the pictures but he is COVERED in it, mixed with sweat.... And yes, stay tuned he comes to help cook.  and yes, we DID wash hands and arms!! and double yes, he has dressed himself in star wars duds.

this angel went back and forth, which is how he rolls, sampling snacks and outside... a hundred times a day!
one kneaded dough while the other one opens the pepperoni.  team work.
we made a cheese, half pepperoni, & a chicken pesto pizza.  Some of the chicken was long gone....

waiting patiently for oh about 2 minutes or LESS before heading out to play with friends
i agree cooking is overrated; yet i seem to do it 5 days a week but if you have seen the boys OUT to eat you'd agree cooking is a wee bit easier than keeping them in their seat. wink wink

And we have been to the park with dear friends.... I even woke the littles up to go early and we were still sopping wet in a matter of minutes.... August is HOT!!!

Sam loves this little girl, as do we all!  He got to ride with her in HER car and that was just too cool!

and my camera battery DIED so i missed the INSIDE playground and playing at our house.... next time! I WAS able to get a normal picture around here of a MESS....  Apparently my little lamb was hungry and helped himself to the whole thing of cheese balls..... 

On that note, we loaded up and took it to the pool with our daddy; which is about all you can do with the hotness.  Happy Thursday!  Stay tuned tonight we get to play with baby caroline and eat dinner with uncle chris ( a BIG huge DEAL for some littler boys) while our big daddy treats us to dinner at his house.  We are still on, right big daddy?  Big Daddy dined with Bo Jackson last night, too bad i wasn't invited to take pictures.  

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