Sunday, February 14, 2010


laughing his fanny off with a good friend

and together..
i love you sweetest valentine. 
xoxo, you secret admirer (is it still a secret?)
We started our day FULL Of LoVe.... First up the littlest lamb and me.... we ate/cooked and talked and awaited our other valentines.  I had the cutest little chocolates perched upon their plates....
and i did wake up my middle baby...i know.... but i didn't want him to miss anything.... He agreed, it was only best he be up and open valentines treats!

some animals, stickers, a gun, some rocks (that you hammer AND possibly discover stones OR dust?), and a slinky!  It was a GoOd DaY!
*just a little brief of ME.... In my working days, i worked/taught 3 year olds (i LOVED It and will one day go back!) Anyway, we liked to practice and preach to the little wild boys..."ya know guys, lets don't play with guns, they can be dangerous, hurt peoples feelings, and just all together NOT a nice way to play with each other"  
* NOW.... 4 years later in my mommy days, my 4 year old has ANY and ALL types of guns you could imagine and has been busted telling his brother "move and i will shoot you!"
*in my defense i seem to believe i am NOT raising a gangster JUST a mere cowboy who likes to hunt the indians or am i raising an avid HUNTER???  Either way.... i don't know what changed or when i became naive to the guns, i guess i am a believer that my little boy "would never" partake in any of the violence that goes on now-a days.... That is my daily prayer anyway!  It makes me a little weary though to drive to my brother's house and hear my angelic four year old shout "mama i see a deer, LETS SHOOt HIM!"  Where do you define the oh-so-fine line of mapped out hunting areas of what and what NOT To shoot?  You are SO RIGHT, that is DADDY'S job NOT mine!!!!  phew, one thing OFF my plate. Hope you enjoyed your valentines day and got to spend the WHOLE day with the ones you love. We were lucky to have our mimi join us for lunch... Mimi was NOT so lucky, we were having LEFTovers.... next time i will be all over it, today not-so-much! Happy Valentines Day!

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