Friday, June 18, 2010

those 10 sticky things...

i could NOT live without THESE 10 things...or is it suppose to be MY FAVORITE 10 things? Either way. Here ya go!
1. Daddyc and the wonderful lives we live.  We truly feel blessed and so darn lucky!
 i love you, Charles!

Love: All you need is love, love makes the world go round, the greatest gift in life is to love and be loved in return, is my bliss.
2. My three stinky boys...who always keep me on my toes and remind me what life is all about- i can HONESTLY say my life would not be the same without each and every one of them...
Laugh. LOVE. always hug & kiss
3. Anything and almost everything by the water's side.  If loven' the water and SUN is wrong i don't wanna be right!  How could you not?

4. Any and ALL cool fashion trends & classics in the ole wardrobe that fit well (note to readers: i don't always EVER follow the rules or dress in normal non-workout day?, don't judge) ,all things DESIGN, INTERIORS, ALL thing house, style, FURNITURE made well with a neat story behind it, YOU GET THE IDEA!

if that isn't good use of space, i don't know what is??  Daddyc and i have under stair storage for bags, more bags, a wine cabinet, oh and "hunting" stuff (which was a hard sell, "we must store the hunting box"  but "the boys and i love to look in it and play with the gadgets" well. "then you will have to dig it out of the storage closet when y'all get ready"
5.  to cook, TO eat, TO drink yummy things....
no secret, that i love to eat and i love to cook! - i feel i LIVE in my kitchen and at the grocery store!- and whenever i'm out shopping i'm always looking for new utensils and cooking aids for my kitchen! - i designed my kitchen and i beyond love cooking in it! ~ recipes i love you, even more when you are easy and QUICK ..
6. The OUTSIDE world in a nutshell.

i LOVE taking walks,running trails by my house, running in big cities and people watching, being at the beach, being LAKE side, watching wildlife .. all that stuff makes me happy - for me it's soothing to know there's a bigger force out there - something more beautiful then magazines and models - that all this FUSS about fashion is just silly and meaningless - watching the world OUTSIDE, the beauty of a flower, the conjuncture of clouds, crashing of waves, rolling lake water, corn fields swaying with the wind, a big open field with NOTHING but SPACE to run, birds singing in harmony - that all is overwhelming beautiful and defines happiness for me! And i think it rubbed off on my boys, we truly live outside but sleep in, Daddyc and i are NOT campers to say the very least!!!

7. My mornings..... the quiet still morning, my blogging time, my coffee (with MY creamer, i am picky about my coffee!), checking my email, and when time allows checking out the latest trends on anything from fashion, house, and new homes on the market.... Sipping my coffee, watching the sprinkler run (i know that seems weird?) And then when even more time allows and the boys are snoozing a little later.....i have been known to sneak to the sofa and watch sex in the city re-runs. i know what you are thinking, it sure would make life easier if milk poured and ready, breakfast cooked, lunches made when needed, showered, set out boys clothes, picked up, did laundry, etc. etc. but i ENJOY the above WAY MORE and that is that.

8. FLOWERS and a great candle... and more flowers, in my yard, in YOUR yard, ALWAYS in my house

9. social events...PARTIES....
even if we have to turn the DIRTY 30....
 might as well celebrate....right?  
i can always find reasons to celebrate life and more than ALWAYS wish you were here with me!
10. my friends and family.....i could not not not live without my family or my friends....they are the absolute BESTEST EVER!!!

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