Monday, November 15, 2010

a vet's day indeed.

and actually looking back, the Southern Museum of Flight was probably fitting on a Veteran's Day off?
we went with some good friends and had a good time.

 no, i do NOT remember who or WHAT cut my little lamb's hair... we just hope it evens up and fills in the gaps at some point....

 Notice the Lego Station says clearly:  Ages 6 & UP.... Obviously they do NOT know how very smart our children are...... so we let them play!!!

 nope, didn't rain a drop??? but the popsicle man DID show up and added a NEW choice to choose from ...  BAT MAN!!!!

 ANd while ONE slept the day away, the other TWO enjoyed their treat.
 And why this looks like torture, it actually equals THE MOST FUN EVER to the boys.... anything tackle, wrestle, throw each other to the ground, you get the point,    is FUN!!!!

 Other more girly types enjoy a swing with their mama and want NOTHING to do with them, She is a smart (actually a very smart) little girl.
 And not that my little lamb isn't smart (because he clearly IS:according to his mama) but he wants and needs to be part of the rough and tough mix....  We won't tell him that they are a little easier on him...ssshhhhh!!!
How did you celebrate our Veterans?

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