Tuesday, January 26, 2010

its NOT you, its ME!

i'd rather be here!

And i won't be too too picky, you can place me on the beach or in that bath, on the sand, hell...at this point i will climb those rocks.....  
Although, i will say me & my littlest lamb enjoyed our morning; after dropping the biggest babies off for mothers day out, we went and picked up lolly for HOPEFULLY some good house stalking on some cool projects but ended up running errands....ISN't that how it goes? or am i just that lucky? 
EITHER way, we enjoyed our visit, and i got some new lip gloss and met a really cute little gay guy at Saks who i am pretty sure i COULD HAVE chatted with ALL DARN DAY with about this and that and then some. Perfect! so after good bye- ing my gayer new friend....
oh and i DID get to my meeting ON TIME..... i know! 

shoot!  then what is the best way to spend nap time, i wanna know?  doing laundry, cleaning, cooking.... Sounds GREAT...SIGN ME UP.....NOW!!! 
No, wait PLEASE don't;  just find me this sweet lady...
she seems to know the tricks and can fly too.... i would for sure be on time doing that if i didn't drop the boys that is?? oh, this is Mary Poppins for you un-knowing readers.
And look how HAPPY this lady is...whats her secret?

Judging by the looks, i'd say its NOTHING BETTER TO DO...as in age... the kids are asleep, no cordless phones, tv only gets 2 stations, the magazine media wasn't that great back then either and computers are not here yet...see NOTHING better to do.  humor me, i do realize she is NOT THAT old.
Anyway, i will continue drooling over these design blogs that make me want to RE-DO YOUR house and await my angels to wake up so i can stress about what i DIDn'T do and NEEDed  TO during nap time...
1. plan tomorrow-  story time, park with friends, picnic (its suppose to be nice out) I will have some of monkey's friends plus my crew....don't worry you KNOW i will blog about it! I thought about mcwane, our fabulous fun downtown getaway but then thought " i am really enjoying my boys un-flu like and don't want to take the chance on a cold at this point" "but then again we have had double doses of the vaccine so shouldn't be an issue, ha"
2.  I need to take my monkey to get some new kicks.... I have crammed his little footsie into his shoes long enough...He claims "they still fit mama, just a little tighter" Oh. and he is LOVING boxers.... yes, my 4 year old is a boxer wearing boy now.... say it AIN't SO!!! so big.  so i am off to find some kid-dorable boxers to dress him in.  suggestions?
3. and if i don't take my lil' hornet to the local barber shop, he will not be able to see soon!  
There is my afternoon "to-dos"-  You guessed right, NO CLEANING, or LAUNDRY but i will cook dinner..... i would rather cook than listen to hungry boys complain about being hungry....and its daddyc's favorite meal...hurry home pumpkin!!!  

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