Monday, November 23, 2009

one lil', two lil', THREE little indian boys!

"how do you do all that with the boys?" my answer is not that well.... so i snapped some good ole' errand running photos on my phone....... oh and the real answer is "i let them run WILD" some of you lucky ones have witnessed this... and i justify it due to me purchasing most the time, way too many things.... i try to go to one stop shops and pay the prices for not going to multiple stores.... Do you have Smith's Variety Store?  This store you can pretty much buy anything you would need AND the main attraction is the train, truck, car tables and unwrapped toys....SUCCESS!

see, win win situation we have here.  They play, i shop and when i fill my arms with needless items and couldn't possibly hold ONE MORE THING; someone (i won't mention any names) ALwAyS has to go to the bathroom......... oh and then standing in the LoNg lines to pay, i buy THrEe suckers, lil' hornet OpeNS two more before heading out the stores front door (to the parking lot) (don't worry i stayed in that long line (as not to lose my place in line) and let someone else snag him because my lil' ranger was getting rather impatient on waiting for lunch and a tootsie pop wasn't exactly filling him up), then i lose my middle child two more times before i leave (and the sweet girl (ALWAYS the new girl who has never checked anyone out before, isn't it?) has to run around looking for him outside, help me load my bags, and i kinda 'knowing' where this little hornet was (playing with the animals in the store's back corner no-less) walked back to his favorite isle gave him the "stay with mommy" speech like he has a clue what i am saying...well, your right; more like "i don't give a hoot what you say, i am busy" but the ending is always the same, holding ranger, monkey by my side, hornet in tow kicking and screaming for more farm animals (we have them all, two of most!) and with a smile we LoAD up, the sweet girl throws the bag in (feeling like she is glad she isn't me!) and i turn back on the chipmunk christmas cd that daddyc has banned from the house ('tis the season, huh?) And after all that......
i have MY errands run (looking out for #1) and i have happy boys who enjoyed a minute of play while i took care of other things, everyone got a sucker, and we now will sing Christmas all the way back home! It was a Good Day!
*sure, i am quite sure we made some fellow shoppers nervous getting onto the displays, on top of the train tables, lil' hornet pulling ALL the balls off the christmas trees hurling them across the store, etc. (i can hear them, where is your mommy?)  but as long as no one gets hurt, nothing gets broken (that we don't purchase)  ANYTHING goes these days*

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