Sunday, July 11, 2010

hold on....

i'm COMin'  
if you live in my house you would KNOW i am at a constant with repeating the phrase "hold on, i am coming"....
sometimes i sing a happy go lucky style
and sometimes i say "HOLD ON..... I AM COOMMING" in an angry UN patient MONSter voice... And most the time i say "hold on" my angelic two year old finishes my phrase with a smirk cute enough to snatch him up and get side tracked loving on him....."you are coMING" Life with three small children lends the need to keep that phrase on the tip of your tongue at all times.  So when i heard it on my i-pod on my morning run, thanks to my dearest hubby i just had to smile and then think;  i better pick up the pace, they are ALL FOUR awaiting my return.....always! 

and after 12 days on the road..... i say to my laundry....and my to-do list.... HOLD on .... I am coming!!!!

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