Friday, December 18, 2009

merry merry

1. Egg nog or hot chocolate?  never tasted egg nog.... just looks like a thick mess that i may not like (have you picked up reading our blog...we are all a bit picky!)  I guess Hot Chocolate with marshmallows IT is for me.
2. Does Santa wrap presents or just sit them under the tree?  He leaves them just outside the fireplace UNwRaPpeD, fresh out of the sack...all put together- Sometimes he will wrap one or two but with attention to detail children i am not going to attempt the may or maynot notice the wrapping paper he has helped wrap withall season with....
3. Colored lights on tree/house or white?  White, there can never be too many either but i do like colored lights too.....
4. Do you hang mistletoe?  i thought long and hard about it. wanted to make it into a ball and hang it in doorway.... not nearly enough time for all that....but my monkey and i did make white mum balls, hung them from the chandelier, took them down, wrapped them like presents in a green bowl, then stacked them into a snowman with a carrot nose, scarf and all... Finally i threw them out this week, just couldn't find the RIGHT place or look for the fun white snow balls of flowers....
5. When do you put your decorations up?  The week of thanksgiving NO LATER.  Tree always goes up as soon after thanksgiving as i can get it.... the AU/Alabama game is throwing a kink my decorating timeline
6. What is your favorite holiday dish (excluding dessert)?  i don't know that i have one? 
7. Favorite holiday memory as a child?  Church at 11 o'clock Christmas Eve in fancy christmas dress (which HARDLY sounds fun now... Can we do church at 3 or 4 oclock in the afternoon, at the LOUDEST service so that my boys don't ruin the service for all the fellow worship goers?)  And before church we always went to a big party at my neighbor's house with all kinds of fun things, Santa Claus was there for the ole' family photo op, moms & dads did there thing (looking back now, i guess they were drinking and celebrating all the while we were running wild and having a BLAST!) most of us would go door to door christmas caroling until it got too late.   And then as a child on Christmas Day i would wake early, go to my older wiser brothers room, get into his bed, beg him to wake up, we would cover our eyes and head to my parents bed (BEG AND PLEAD them to get up, always 30 more minutes of CT with them and always entered the bed on DAD's side, for a SURE "come on in", THEN....) we would bound into the den to find our gifts.....Then put them in a neat pile or i did anyway.  and anxiously awaited my grandmothers and aunts, uncles, cousins arrival-  I have a HUGE family so Christmas day has always been rather wild in my house!  i love it. And always ends in a big card game with all, wine, and children running wild.   It has changed a bit since childhood but i love to watch the look on my baby boy's eyes in the most recent years......
8. When and how did you learn the truth about Santa?  i don't remember.  Santa still comes to moms and dad's house and leaves a stocking and gifts so i still BELIEVE!
9. Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?  always....if we ask to anyway. I think we do let the boys in our family of 5 now if charlie ask to.
10. How do you decorate your Christmas tree?  With a huge bow, trailing ribbons, LOTS of big red balls, all the ornaments we own (each one is custom to some one in the family, usually whatever they are into that year they receive it), a cream and red skirt and lots of white lights
11. Snow: love it or hate it?  Love it when prepared.  
12. Can you ice skate?  YES.  I ask my biggest baby daily to go with me to ice skate... just awaiting the time to haul it out to find a skating rink? do they have those in town anymore?  I made DaddyC wait  LONG time in New York a couple years back to skate in Rock.Center, he was glad i gave up on the wait!
13. Do you remember your favorite gift?  I can't recall my one and only favorite.
14. What’s the most important thing about the holidays for you?  The planning.  Getting to See family and friends at parties. Parties. Festive People. parties & good babysitters. The cheer and good will. Seeing the cards daily with angelic faces.  Shopping for others.   
15. What is your favorite holiday dessert?  Not a big dessert person but i will go for round TWO on appetizers or drink my dessert (more milk punch please).
16. What is your favorite holiday tradition?  I don't know.  Getting married and starting my own family of 5, we don't have a clear tradition YET... If you know me, you know i want a CUT AND DRY every year we do this and that.  Debatable party at our house every year on Christmas Eve.... I LOVE LOVE advent season, lighting a candle every single week...i mean....if you are a list person, lighting a candle every week is like checking something off....HEAVEN!!!! i love seeing the children sing at church and lucky for me, mine was one of them this year!  So... As of the past couple years, we awake at OUR OWN house, DaddyC starts coffee and christmas music ASAP when we wake up, wait on boys to get up, Hardly up before lolly & big daddy can't stand it anymore and have to come see Santa's bringings, we then shower and head to my in laws house for brunch and MORE Christmasing, then travel to my parents for my extended family christmas and home again home again late that night and i have been a threat to UN-DO christmas with tree on the street THAT night.... doesn't it feel good to be "clean" after the holidays of all the decor you have rearranged your house for?? i think so.
17. What tops your tree?  a BIG huge red bow with green polka dots.
18. Which do you prefer, giving or receiving?  Giving... I love finding the perfect presents for the perfect people in my life and even ones i don't know off the angel tree (we had so much fun buying those children things this year!) 
19. What is your favorite Christmas song?  All of them!  I have a christmas memory of my aunt holding me, swinging me around, dancing in the den to a "record", thats right- a record, of "i'm gettin' nothin' for christmas,mommy and daddy are mad...." all while everyone else was dancing (looking back, maybe they were drinking a bit? they were FOR SURE FESTIVE) so i always think of that one but i truly love them all and have not heard that one for years...  My monkey and i sing loudly all the ones we know and DOn'T know all month long....
20. Candy canes:  Only red and white peppermint ones will do..... we eat them daily during the season and they have a way of letting us make it through "big" church somewhat quietly, if you can tune out the slurping and nasty licking up and down a candy cane, then complaining because he is sticky part.
21. Favorite Christmas movie?   elf, the santa claus 1 & 3, home alone, christmas vacation, christmas story, oh i guess all of them.... NOT charlie brown though- he is WAY to negative for me- cheer up charlie brown!
22. What do you leave for Santa?  Cookies and Milk of course.

OH and how yummy is this?  DaddyC see what you can do on your way home tonight. 

What do you get when you mix Kentucky bourbon barrels and Australian wine? 
well, i don't know but please let me try this yummy-ness....NOW!!! Garden & Gun (one of my top magazines) recently featured Southern Belle Shiraz, a new wine from an area south of Adelaide, Australia that's creating a lot of buzz among winemakers.

(this wine is aged in whiskey barrels from the Pappy Van Winkle Distillery in Kentucky.  The barrels once held whiskey for a 20-year period, and when the barrels made it to Australia, they were filled with the Shiraz, which was then aged for 18 months. Hello, whiskey. check. Wine. check.  Merry Christmas to ME!!!

Image courtesy of Garden & Gun Magazine

*for the record....DaddyC DID go buy the wine store... WILL NOT be in Alabama until next year...after an almost panic attack DaddyC assured me "next year" is next week...phew! that could have been bad.

It looks rather gross outside

( i knew we shoud have built the ark this summer, we could have been really enjoying it lately) which is FORCING me to skip the gym, make waffles for my boys, wrap the ALMOST last of the Christmas gifts with lots of helping hands, do loads and loads of laundry and ironing, allowing the littlest ranger to take FULL advantage of the ability to take a morning nap...(not often does he get the chance to nap mornings in his bed)  and try and create a quick like blog post.....
i lost my monkey to the delight of a "pool" on the patio.... i did my best to take part but with no shoes, it was bitter cold!

And as i try to finish this up, i hear a tap tap tap on my little study windows to find my lil' hornet showing me "baby Jesus" AGAIN..... so i had to snap his picture since i had camera on hand

I have no clue how we have baby Jesus all put together STILL... One nativity scene has been "put" back up in the attic for hopes of a calmer hornet NEXT year...but what is Christmas without a nativity scene it was always be very favorite thing to set up when i was younger and apparently my hornet's favorite thing to play with......
LAST but NOT least.... A My Christmas Angel is coming to town.... I can hardly wait!

Oh and by the way, she DOES NOT look this old, She is a mere 3 year old NOT 7 like she looks.  I don't want her to grow up if you can't tell. And YES, she is that tan and pretty, and in our dreams has this angel been to the beach- she has had quite some holiday season and is JUST THAT TAN by God's good grace.  MK, when you see me, its me, NOT a snowman- i have not been blessed with olive skin like you ;(
I just wish i had a sucker this big to pull out when she arrives.... I do have a smaller one and a small surprise... I am giddy to give it to her, isn't fun to give to those who you KNOW will LOVE it and jump up and down and scream to open it!!!  No thank you needed for this reaction.

MK, ride safely, make your mama play YOUR music all the way here, Sing like i KNOW you can and WILL, times are tough but you are tougher!  I wish more than you know that i could watch you run about these wild crazy boys and dance (you do love to dance and act silly) but soon enough we will be jumping on your mom's white couches like always and running wild around the house (from big bad bears), I am holding tight to that memory and after all this weeks of hard times i feel for sure she will let us do that, don't you? See you in a little while. i love you to pieces.

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