Thursday, February 24, 2011

and so it begins....

we had our first t'ball practice today.   i think it went really well and the kids were quite edible on the field...
first things first though, PICK mom flowers..... i may have the sweetest boys i know and can honestly say i feel loved.....

And at the days end... you get superhero shirt, batman boxers, & cowboy boots.... 
a cute outfit with bright blue flip flops.....

 our daddy coaches were busy bees and had people to see and things to do so they thought it be best if they stayed "dressy"..... How serious are we about baseball again???

 an outfit change and a big bloody lip later.... the littlest friends played on the playground near by....

 this is another princess to another child of mine.... i will claim her any ole' day with or without teeth and bloody lips.....
 and me and my middle baby can find a baby ANYWHERE.... and totally smitten with baby ruth.

 And my little weeds flowers made it home safe but not so sound.... they have seen better days but charlie just knew i "would love them in the kitchen while i cooked dinner" and i do.
here is to my next 20 years on a field or court side.... 

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