on sunday; after a sick day at our house for some, we CELEBRATED my littlest niece's christening.....
we were thrilled to be there and watch this very, very special moment in her life.....
i edited out the specifics so that no one manages to sneak over and put this little pumpkin in their pocket or WORSE, their car! so the invite was quite beautiful but my editing makes it appear off a little.....
FYI: i took the above photos with my phone so there was NO flash and I DIDN't take my camera into the church....don't hate, appreciate that you can NOW see how beautiful my tiny weeny niece in her gown!
And after we were so blessed to see her being presented and accepted to the Lord himself, who i feel for sure already loves her more than anyone else and who is with her ALL the time ("living in her heart" as my monkey would say) and helping her to grow graciously with all HIS tender, love, and care and her parents good guidance.
Dear baby caroline,
we love you and are so very proud of you.
you continue to amaze us everyday!
all our love,
the smith clan
we headed to shoal creek for a most fabulous luncheon in this angel's honor..... i even love the GUARD GATE at shoal creek, so detailed, so "kept up" as us southern gals would say.....
NO ONE slept on the way out, all 45 minutes out there were PURE JOY for two of my sleepiest/teething babies, a sick daddyc, and a "WAY OVER IT MAMA"
but i knew we had a treat in store so we stuck it out and braved the screaming and i wasn't about to miss baby caroline's special day for anything, not screams, crying, losing one baby in the woods.... NOTHING Was going to ruin my enjoyment for caroline.... EVERythING as i imagined was PERFECT!!!!
the house details had me at the front stairs..... drool baby drool!
we all drooled over different things...
for some it was the WOODS, the endless WOODS!!!
and luckily we dressed for tree climbing, no dout!
others drooled over their BIG DADDY...
the rest of us DROOLED over the star of the show, miss caroline elizabeth herself!
i was not about to LOSE my TURN with her.... PRECIOUS and PERFECT in all her glory!
how perfect to cover the water glasses when set up outdoors? always thinking.....
every little detail was just fabulous and PErfect placed just as i imagined!!!!
and y'all know I LOVED the ruffle on the throw pillows....total sucker for a pleated ruffle!
Me & symmetry are two peas in a pod....so even, so tailored... YES, please!
i love the large windows and elegant moulding for a fancy room like this...
this was my most favorite room of all, the FOYER... it had wonderful lighting from the warm sun, and i love all the doors!!!
the cake... lACE & pearls, what more could a girl want on her cake?
i just loved these serving pieces... whats better than silver? SILVER & WOOD MIXED. i'll take two (sets that is!)
our uncle chris holding one of my babies and about to do a DEAD SPRINT to find the oldest baby out in the woods.....be still my heart, he is just being a boy???
these two sported this SICK look the whole time....and stuck to that chair!
this guy was a wild man NO LESS....
and as we pulled away we stopped and daddyc let our little hornet take a closer look at what he loves most..... A HEEEESSSEEE (thats horse)
somewhat perfect ending to a very special day..... about 5 second later my middle baby threw up EVERYWHERE!!!!