Monday, October 5, 2009

Hi Ho Hi Ho....

to the pumpkin patch we go...well, not all of us- daddyo post bail and went to scout some hunting land so i brought lolly and big daddy on board and they were happy to come along!  we had a great time and could have stayed at the farm all day!  happy fall time.

blessed are those who have a lolly to show them the ins and outs about corn and to hold the hornet's lamb too

and a big daddy to buy them a ranger (wink wink)  a girl can dream, right dad??

for those that don't know, my hornet LOVES animals and was in heaven at the barn, i kinda think big daddy was too!

lolly and the monkey took the trail un-traveled....but with some coaxing they came back

we could not pass up the hay bail mountain...uncle chris would be proud the boys worked on their "rock climbing" skills

i think i could set up shop forever...

lolly spotted something ;)

i think we chose well, don't you?

how was your sunday afternoon?

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