so.... all fun and games at first....we go to get ALL these flu shots; H1N1 (each child 2 times? thats right, too strong to give in one dose come back 2 times for this stuff) & REGULAR flu shots 2 times too..... so if you aren't tired already thinking about this just come and experience it once or twice or hell, we have been three times and they screwed up so we get to go again....... I think i will take my chances from here on out!
Boys wash your hands round the clock mommy is not going back to the doctors office AGAIN.... you are right, i WILL go back just NOT with any of YOU! Kidding boys, you know i love you all.
doing great. Yay mom for bringing gold fish!
all seemingly happy and KNOW that shots are on the way and still OKAY. Lucky for me, i had my phone to buy me a little patience and take pictures!
these adorable shirts are Koco and Co.'s work. so cute and the actual shirts are that spun cotton, so very soft....

after one hour of goldfish and silly games, and a HUGE screaming fit- this angel fell dead asleep on me which means that the littlest baby is now in the floor picking up random viruses and flu strands at a rapid pace (no mommies of all our little friends, we DON't YET have the flu, not to fret!)

so little, so good, so playing by himself with NO mommy to hold him.....feel sorry for him....NOW!
what is he playing with? didn't his mommy bring them ANY toys? He is playing with fact sheets about vaccines straight off the countertop and NO his mommy is lucky she got them all there in CLOTHES and not pjs.

this saint of mine is making paper airplanes out of the SAME newsletter sheets off the countertop... HAD I KNOWN it would take 2 1/2 hours to get all these flu shots i may have rented ponies or atleast a circus time i will know.
*and just a little top off.... i did take the boys to chick fil a- hornet's favorite place to eat, monkey LOVES the playground, lil' ranger goes with the flow at 2:00, hardly lunch time for little ones....and another tid bit of info. the dr. called while there "they MESSED up and gave my lil' ranger a double dose of the WRONG vaccine" I am mad, upset? i don't know ask me when i get a minute. Did i return her call? yes, direct to the ole dr. cell phone, not MY boys dr. but the one who screwed this up. Can we UN do this? No. Will it harm my baby? it better Not. Did the nurse have a wee bit of a distraction in the room with her and lose total train of thought? most likely, it happens to the best of us or me anyway. Is this dr. a friend of mine? yes. do i blame her? no but do wish it would not have happened Did she ream her nurse and head nurse of staff? yes and yes. Do WE ALL make mistakes? yes but i sure do wish mistakes didn't affect my boys. it happens*
so after a FUn-FillED day of this AlLiE showed up! always at the right time. She came bearing the cutest little christmas decor present too, i will post later..... so daddyc and i thought we would go muster up some christmas spirit and mix n mingle with some friends, ya know just like a little happy hour type deal (i told allie 2 hours tops......) Throwing on some festive clean clothes to feel seemingly free of sticky hands, wiped mouths, and just all around playground funk of course i had my brood by my side so i feel the need to never stop talking so i usually get my monkey's opinion... do you think this outfit is okay, etc. etc. so i ask monkey that question and got "turn around Mom, can you see all of your back?" i answered him "well, no, this is a shirt i am wearing UNDERneath my white shirt so it does go in a v in the back. "okay good mom because that shows too much back" DaddyC hit the floor and said he feels good now when he goes out of town i will be good and taken care of and not let out of the house with any skin being seen, ha! Monkey furthered to pick out my earrings and shoes for me.... I honestly don't think he leans the "OTHER" way, but LOVES to help me any way he can. He even tells me "be careful mom" when i stand ontop of the bathtub to see what the whole get up looks like together. dressed and ready. i thought it be fitting if i pulled this out of the wine Cellar (you are right, hardly a cellar at all....the closet where we keep our off season clothes, right next to daddyc's hunting gear) but there is a wine cabinet in there? call it what you will. oh, and if you are keep tabs know i managed to polish this off in no time flat and put down enough food to feel a small country!
SO.....5 1/2 hours later still wanting to enjoy friends company i made it home and i mustered ENOUGH christmas spirit to not beat my littlest ranger to death when he awoke at 4:15 this morning.... DaddyC jumped up to rescue him and serve him warm milk.....i followed, because until i know what's going on, who can sleep? So i snagged this baby and ran for the bed (an upstairs bed), we cuddled up and got another hour or so in..... While we were snoozing DaddyC got the other two up and fed and he was out the door..... Life IS GoOD... Rinse and Repeat on days like yesterday.... Life Is GoOD. However i DO NOT think you need to rinse and repeat wash your hair like ALL shampoo bottles say...Come on its clean after one wash, no need to rinse and repeat there! Hoping you get to mix and mingle with your friends during this season...And hopefully you get to attend a "Happy Birthday Party for Jesus" with your first born or someone's first born. (i have been for-warned "mom, when you and dad come just KnOW this is NOT Jesus' real birthday JuST the party") phew! i was wondering because i don't have a gift yet,..... i still have time.
1 remarks:
ha! i need a bottle of that all to myself after this week!!! that's crazy about the dr.!! we are suppose to go today for w's 2nd round and i'm postponing til monday, i'm such a bad mom!! i just can't do it today! call me later so we can chat. been thinking about ya'll this week and praying for y'all and your mom, hope she is feeling better and having some better days! on another note, where did you find those merry marg. napkins? caroline is SO precious too! she is def. a lollar!! =))
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