Charlie (6 months) & Jack in New York City

charlie, jack, lolly & MM at a wedding

Jack had a staple position IN MONKEY'S MOUTH!!

shopping with jack and MK
Jack on Easter in Nashville

Charlie and Jack in Orange Beach, AL parking lot

Jack in Baytown warf

notice the browning of the ears... but i will say around 2 1/2 or 3 charlie just STOPPED chewing on the ears?? i don't know why or what happened but every now and then i will look over and he has found his way back.....

these last two were taken THIS week! Jack usually stays home now and awaits are arrival back unless its been a long afternoon and then of course he is in the car with us or outside or everywhere we may be....the thing is my monkey ALWAYS knows where he is and we have never lost this little bunny!

as you can see, JACK is a part of our family! When doing a little Christmas shopping earlier in the season, Monkey noticed a PINK JACK sitting on the shelf and said "oh, mom, i have to give this to caroline for Christmas" so baby caroline, i can only hope your "jack" bunny will guard, protect, and be one with you as Charlie's has to him (and for your mom and dads sake, i hope they purchase several if this is the case) the thing is you can't force this upon a child, they take to something of their choice- If you come over you will find Jack got a his own photo shoot, hand tinted copy and framed too ( i didn't hang it on the wall but did find a cozy spot on a book shelf for this little member of our family) do you have a "jack"? My Sam has a little Lamb that i could do this same post on but will spare y'all the time and me the effort, ha!
i learned some things this week:
1. i LOVE watching christmas movies esp. with my boys!
2. i found out why i can NEVER leave the house without ATLEAST ONE or TWO of the boys... "mom, you know why we always want to go with you when you leave the house?" why love? "because mom, i just don't want you to get lost and want you to get home safely" My heart melts again and i will take them almost anywhere...
3. i learned that "mom, when i go to heaven i am going to take my tool box" okay charlie, that sounds good baby, but i sure hope you don't go for a LONG time. "well, mom, MOM...I just think i need to go to Heaven and use my tools to build baby Jesus a crib- that hay is scratchy and he needs a baby bed called a crib NOT a manger" I would agree monkey, but i still hope your grandfather takes care of Jesus until you go a LONG LONG time from now!
4. unconditional love was reminded: Lil' Hornet was bit for the 3rd time at school (by a friend's child which makes it much easier to brush off esp. since we kinda know deep down, he had it coming) and the lil' hornet STILL loves and adores this little girl and talks of her non-stop
5. i learned that my littlest angel eats and consumes more food and drink that a full size man (he is 9 months in a couple days)
6. i learned i probably couldn't live without Allie, thanks for this week allie- See you tomorrow!!! I also was reminded how much she means and how i wish i could give her anything and everything and make all troubles GO AWAY!!!
7. i learned my grandparents did a most fabulous job on my dad. How is he SUCH a wonderful person, is this good parenting? God's good grace? and then found out randomly at dinner one night that my hubby feels the same way. They don't make um like this anymore! How does he give himself un-ending-ly, come to my rescue (ALMOST DAILY), really anyone's rescue (i just ask so darn often), handle so much, continue smiling and never look back or utter a cross word? Darn, what happened to me.....kidding only kidding.....kinda!!!
8. i learned i FORGOT Lamb's this week, THE BIG christmas party too. I am so mad about this but also learned i really CAN't do it ALL!
9. I learned my wrecking crew isn't coming to the wedding sat. night and i am more than bummed- if y'all could see the disappointment on my may re-consider??? Really Roddam will turn 31 next year and his lake house isn't going anywhere.....
10. lets end this at 10- i learn too much to go on, ha! i learned that hearing and seeing someone ELSE's newborn is a BEAUTIFUL thing.... I heard baby coley cry yesterday and longed to hold and rock her- what a sweet cry (remember she is not mine, i can say that and her mom is still in THAT phase where she too thinks the cry is me in a couple months!) i reminded myself, GOOD thing the tubes are tied....'cause I DO LOVE A BABY!!!! I don't know if i could handle pregnancy or better yet if pregnancy COULD HANDLE ME but i already miss my boys being babies and they are only 4, 21 months, 9 phase please but slow it down a notch!!!
11. oh, and i learned that i do have a taker NOT a helper but a taker of christmas sweets....monkey and i baked christmas candy and treats all afternoon yesterday...your right, he "wrapped a present" for his friend Will, built a HUGE mess contraption out of all the hangers in our house, and built a "pirate" ship out of blankets and wood, while i baked/cooked BUT when lil' hornet awoke and i mentioned cupcake....all night "mama CUTCAKE....peeez mama cutcake.... i have a taker! and its christmas we had one BEFORe our dinner too!!!
12. lastly, i promise.... i learned SUZANNE KASLER, one of my fav decorators, is featured in one of my fav. mags Garden & must really be christmas! Enjoy your holiday weekend!
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