she is here. and more perfect than ever in all 6 lbs. 15 oz. of her and 19 inches of beautiful baby features....Caroline we love you!
these cookies were equally as are right... Not equally but they are so stinkn' cute, i managed to shovel it in with no problem though, in case you had your douts and i feel for sure if you were my mother in law you would take this and freeze it forever!!!
if you know my sister in law, you KNOW, she went prepared this morning at 5 am.... In a dress, tall boots, a scarf! but besides that she brought some old family pictures to enjoy. This one below is one of her favorites and she wanted one of my older wiser brother to match. this is my dad and brother about 33 years ago...
it was raining today so i wore my biggest raincoat in hopes to sneak out with this perfect angel in my pocket and take her home.... Merry Christmas to me... A baby girl to call MY oWn!
(just a little too much info. but as i am working on this post, monkey came in and caught a peek and is now running crying to his room because he has not had a chance to hold baby caroline yet.....) i told you we love you to pieces Caroline, all 5 of us!!!
the lil' hornet was in love... he has a soft heart for babe bee's and could NOT stop looking at baby caroline. Dear Aunt Holly, warning! this little hornet will be TOO MUCH help but mean well.
Dear caroline, this monkey will love and protect you forever and ever and let no harm get in your way.

but the last little ranger will be mad jealous, we he seems to take in the fact that He IS the true baby at our house and therefore MuSt be held at AlL times and catered to all needs. but is used to the waiting game so he will work on waiting his turn for some love- being only one person with only two hands, two arms, and the occasional short fuse i would have thought i would have lead one baby astray to daddyc, no such luck, the waiting game is a beautiful thing (not always played out beautifully depending on the time of day but working on it) Mostly we have one crawl up, shove the other out of my lap, or cry until i can no longer take it and i put the other down..... Oh. all in a days work!
Speaking of the dear blessing sweet baby Caroline is to my life.... i look at this picture and thank God times 3 for my boy blessings..... 
and whats NOT a blessing is this....
not the hornet pictured (he is a true blessing) but the "village" itself can not say the same... whats left anyway.... We have all but beat this baby to stay out of the village..... i think it will sink in, well, in about 10 days when i pack the dickens village back up and store it away in the attic. Does my hornet not listen? not care what his mom tells him to do? really give a darn what i say? appears not but with a face like this....its hard to keep a straight face while correcting him. agree?
so bye for now baby caroline, we will see you again tomorrow, i can't wait!! Sleep tight. Demand your mommy hold you forever and ever.
4 remarks:
Congrats on your niece! I think she looks just like your dad in one of those photos. AND, now I'm going to have to stop looking at these, b/c they are making me want another baby!!
Hi there Amy! It's been awhile (a really LONG while actually :)), but I ran across your blog and first, many many congratulaitons on your beautiful new niece! Secondly, did you make the moss boxes or (i'm hoping) buy them somewhere? They are fantastic! Merry (almost) Christmas!
angel, thanks she is an angel from above. And Yes, i did in fact make my moss boxes....4 long years ago for my first baby's first birthday party (the present table) different ribbons of course but still the same boxes. My dad built wooden boxes and i glued sheet moss onto them. My mom has even used them as risers for food at a party too.... many many uses! i would advise making them, they will be worth it.
Okay, you've convinced me, they're just too darn cute not to have some of my own. Looks like I have a crafty little weekend ahead of me. Merci beaucoup!
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