Sunday, December 13, 2009

bibity bopity BOO!

WZZ-Fairy.jpg fairy godmother image by dawnym
So i need this lady pictured more than EvER!  Or my mom does rather.  If you have not used up your three wishes, send them her way.  I have been by her side the past week hence the NO POST lately.... 
Send us a angel, prayers, just whatever you have in the way of miracles if you aren't too busy...... I really don't have much to say other than that "my mom always said"...."if you don't have anything nice to say DON'T say anything At ALL"  Not that it wouldn't be nice but very sad rather and who needs that here around the holidays.  Say your prayers and send us your fairy GodMother.

Dear Fairy GodMother, 
   Are you there?  Is it too much to ask for a cure for mom? just for some pain relief?  Hell, CAN WE JUSt  GEt A couple GOOD days in a row at this point?  oh. and by the way.  I am REaLly starting to dout you are even there at this point.  i guess i will follow peter pan's motto TrUSt in God and i will be fetching some pixie dust really soon......

pixie.jpg Pixie dust... image by Veenewcomb06_bucket

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