these were our windows so when we turned the lights off (quite often to help with noise control, we had a rowdy first born was the main one!) this was neat to see the light shining through our stars....
and all week the girls worked hard on WHAT THEY WErE ASK and given....
the boys REFUSED any organized activity all together, attempted to make as much LOUD noise as possible, tackle one another until someone ended up in tears, and pull out as many toys as possible that we were NOT suppose to be playing with.....
what looks like an innocent tapping on the toy was REALLy.... bEAting the top as hard as he possibly could while his bestest screamed "faster, faster"
yes, readers the sweet girls were painting and staying right on task
Dear God,
In my next life, Can you bless me with girls? as i feel i am losing years off THIS life daily.
thanks for your help,
and while i could not peep in on my little lamb, my middle baby was RIGHT next door so i enjoyed snatching him from time to time and usually when i checked on him he was in the arms of a pretty high school girl..... oh how my boys LOVE a pretty young girl....
and see daddyc he is "SHARING"
we knew he could!
Are my boys spoiled rotten? They are at their second home
Canterbury United Methodist i have no dout.
in monkey's defense, he does look exhausted doesn't he?
or am i making excuses why someone was carrying my big 4 year old around?
And pictured below is our newest babysitter, Miss Brownlee
OUR ALLIE has a real job and is quite the social butterfly on the weekends, GOSH NO, we have not written her out of the will yet..... I talk to Allie all the time, She is starting her nursing career, swamped with boys at her feet (she is that pretty), say a quick prayer she passes her boards on Monday (i know she will), she is officially an ICU nurse (i won't tell you where so you don't go steal her away), oh how i miss her when weeks pass and i have not seen her (which doesn't happen often) and she is still my favorite girl EVER and will be attending girls night on thursday, right allie?
Anyway, i have made myself clear- I LOVE ALLIE and Miss Brownlee is just as heartwarming in a whole nother way and is truly an angel and my boys do love her too! So here she is MISS BROwNlee!
she is wonderful with the children and i highly recommend her!
once again GIRLS: playing nicely on the swings, pushing one another when needed/wanted, no fussing, etc.
while these boys aren't even on the RIGHT playground and felt the need to climb on things and hurl themselves off very quick-like before they got in trouble.....
And this hornet was on the wrong playground too, he is MUCH TOO BIG for the toddler playground you see!
Dear Smith boys,
Rules DO apply to you to ya know!
your biggest fan,
and as much as they hate to admit it, my boys really love one another and hugged each and every time they saw each other this week..... Another reason why my heart breaks that my biggest baby will go to preschool FIVE DAYS A weeK this fall, His brothers will miss him dearly from 9 to 1 as will I.....
Miss Brownlee lead us around all week.....
And "our" mission all week was
ASHLEY'S closet
A charity in Nevada that a little girl started for children who don't have any toys, she collects and distributes them to those in need... The children got VERY INto this and were so generous to clean up old toys and buy new ones to donate.... Needless to say we beat the goal in toys and money raised. SCORE.
And our mascot ALL week was Galileo the green Gorilla
The director incorporated "green" as in living "green, save the Earth type theme" too and i will say my head sunk low a time or two
"boys and girls what are some things you can do to help save our Earth"
we heard some great answers.....
turn water off when brushing teeth
reuse, recycle, etc. etc.
my monkey's bestest yelled out "well, we don't recycle anymore" and my biggest baby raised his hand and announced "we don't either, we have two trash cans to use for recycling but we just DON'T, my mom said we have too much trash to do that"
i just grinned and looked around like i have no idea whose child that is......and am sad to say "he speaks the truth" one day soon.....
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