Thursday, March 10, 2011

my thoughts EXACTLY

& another spin....
why do memories seem more perfect than reality?  
i would like to think that is not always the case 
And looking back to the hardest year of my life, 
my 3rd baby boy born,
 my middle baby being a mere 12 months 
(needing too much attention for ANOTHER baby but dealing quite well), 
my biggest baby being only 3 years old 
OH. And the biggest challenge of all.....
my mom fighting for her life and God taking her anyway. 
Enough already with my sob year...
 Well, the beauty there is ITS ALL A COMPLETE BLUR...
 i don't remember waking up every hour with BOTH babies, one newborn, one teething 12 month old and helping a big 3 year in the middle of the night if he got scared since we were building our house that year too, we were renting another happy home.... i don't remember meeting builders and searching endlessly for colors, furniture, design ideas for our house- i don't remember how my mom delivered her "cancer" news, i don't remember of that but  i do remember jumping on the trampoline endless hours with my boys (our rental house had a trampoline) and scared to think i let my middle baby JUMP too, at only 12 months (thank you God for not letting him fall off or slip through the SPRINGS.... I was a born BOY mom i think!) I remember taking family walks to the close by playground each night after dinner, i remember the sweet German neighbor who grew tomatoes, I remember my mom coming to my rescue when i was home with boys alone and a scary bat man was "after" me.  i remember mom being sick and still taking my biggest baby to Mardi Gras, 'cause she wasn't missing it due to a little cancer. 
 OH my goodness i am exhausted thinking about that year.... but lucky for me, I don't remember the hard times just the happy times... All this rant sprung from this below quote!  I hope you have memories of ONLY happy times in your head like me!!! (remember, i live in my OWN world most of the time.... And for the most part its fabulous and wonderful and i am the princess of all my boys.... so far anyway, ha!)
and on much more random notes: (which i am trying NOT to do post about as much, when i printed the blog into a hardback book for later in life..... I realized i may not want all these inspirational homes later on..... OR WILL I?)
i do believe i could live in these kind folks wine cellar alone.... I'll take 2!!! of the farm tables and light fixtures. oh and some wine, wink wink.

1 remarks:

Stewart Coxwell said...

Oh my gosh Amy I remember coming to babysit at the rental house and when I asked where Sam was you pointed out the back door and there he was climbing up that trampoline! Haha! I remember thinking to myself "Gosh, Amy is the BEST mom. She is SO laid back and doesn't worry about ANYTHING. I hope I can be just like her and not care if my 12 month old jumps on the trampoline by himself!" That rental house was a hoot! How can we forget sweet little Whitmore's bed in the DINING ROOM! Hilarious! :-)

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