Monday, January 25, 2010

is your tie TOO white?

so really not much to blog about today... UN-event-FULL weekend we had....
a good story time on saturday at our local library...i just have to sit back a smile!  Look at my sweet children...ALL OVER THE PLACE...and look at all these other angels, SItTing, ListENing intently!

good thing i had my phone/camera to keep me busy... i wonder where they got it??
Just a good quiet dinner on Saturday, thanks to my sweet mom and dad.  Who by the way, the Lolly in our life is doing great after her chemo and looks really good too..... Downhill from here....well, maybe after the LAST chemo round this Thursday that is and while she may let us onto a little more than "downhill" ha! And it FloOdeD in my parts on Sunday morning which made getting to church (AcRosS the street for us) a little tricky....we drove....thats right folks, we DROVE across the street (partly due to the 2 feet of water gushing down the street and i didn't have a raft to get us there) but due to the fact we were only going 500 feet at most, i held my little lamb in my lap to make my life easier and to jump out quickly underneath shelter while daddyc parked the car..... Needless to say daddyc said "i know what i am doing for the lil' lamb's FIRST birthday in march.... driving around the parking lot with him in my lap"  I have never heard the littlest lamb laugh so very hard, who knows what it was but he could not catch his breath from sheer laughter...on the way home too..... it was a great way to start our rainy sunday!  don't you LOVE to hear a child laugh?

Then our big daddy and my monkey headed down to the boat show.... where apparently they got to fish, monkey caught a fairly big trout and unhooked him, in the process the fish fell to the floor, not to worry monkey grabbed him and threw him back (he was so proud to tell his daddy about that and had a sticker to prove it!)
Something else going on in our lives.

Thats right....Daddyc is attempting contacts....ATTEMPTING is good way to put it... It takes him only an hour a day to "try" to get them in and then i step in and do it for him.... I can expect him before lunch to pop in from work, due to the fact...they fell out, blurry, in backwards... Contacts are hard but "WE" are getting better and i feel if i ever need to wear them, i will be a pro.  Hang in there daddyc!  
And actually had a good friend ask me while over last week 
"how do you have nice things?  how do your boys NOT break all this sitting out?"  "i bet you walk around with a ruler tapping hands and won't let them do ANYTHING?"  
if you knew me or were ACTuAlLy "coming to my window" (which please don't my dog may truly KILL you and i don't need a lawsuit in my life, i have enough going on) you would see, unfortunately or ForTunately we really don't have too many rules, we play ball, shoot our little guns (which is a favorite of all ages, daddyc.), play chase, etc. DAILY in our happy home, which lends us to the look of "wild animals" when over at a fellow friends happy home, and to that i apologize over and over again-  we try to instill some manners along the way but really choose our battles and jumping on the furniture hasn't proved to be one of them YET.  Give us time.  So when i saw this most beautiful picture, i too thought..... how does she do it? keep it soo soo neat!  is YOUR tie too white?

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