Thursday, January 7, 2010

catch 22

so SCHOOL IS OUT (thats what we, preschool-ers and their moms,  call mothers day out.... although at 2 days a week 9-1:00, its hardly school, right?)  Anyway, Mothers Day got out at 11:00 a.m. today.... so us moms could get these babies home safely BEFORE the BIG HUGE SNOW Storm hit. Oh. wait. your right we just have some flurries.  Well, school is still out so i did what most dumb moms would do, added TWO more little scallywags to my brood and headed to the local pizza joint (now that part was smart, feed them, let them run wild, play video games (they play with NO NEED of coins, they are too young and don't know), then you LEAVE with a sucker of course and SOMEONE else cleans up......GENIUS!!! thank you.)

After the local pizza joint, we headed for the home front.

always on the move....

nothing makes my heart pitter pat like watching a house full little ones play together- sweetness in a bundle......

My littlest babies stayed cozy indoors, playing animals of course....with a side of snacks!

And only boys would play OUTSIDE in the 32 degrees, inside, and then back out of course.

we enjoyed our snow day and are ANXIOUSLY awaiting daddyc to make smores!  We have just the right sticks and know daddyc can build us just the right fire!!! how was your "snow" day??

**oh and the boys adorable monkey applique is koco & co.'s work** and done on the 100% cotton tees too which make them even more yummy!**

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