Wednesday, April 11, 2012


the Easter bunny showed up.
 he brought Charlie a fish... he named him "swimmy" very fitting, you think? i hope he last.  I just over fed him by a little on accident.... how am i suppose to sort out 3 little food bits and NOT touch it????

 the bunny left little white fluffy footprints leading to the boys Easter baskets...

 The bunny ALSO hid Eggs filled with candy all over the back yard!

 Attempting to take a group shot... panned out to be a LONG shot... i tried!
 mouthful of candy. basketball in hand...
 silly face.
 "power" bracelets and dying of laughter...
 not to worry, they have a whole lotta love for each other and i gave up.

 one of my very favorite things and fondest memory as a child is placing my flowers on the cross.  Our church now has FOUR crosses full of flowers.... The boys now too really enjoy doing this.... tradition continues....   did this kind lady think we may KNOCK the cross down or was she just helping out of the kindness of her heart. you decide. wink wink.
 and taking it all in, i caught my biggest baby
 attempting group shot AGAIN
 to NO avail.  so close.

 we love some baseball this time of year.... my littlest lamb can't get enough....
 And have i failed to mention daddyc hung the boys a rope swing.. huge gigantic success.... thank you times 3!

 i hope each of you had a most blessed Easter sunday.  we are blessed in so many ways and try often to stop and acknowledge them all... God has given us a pretty good hand no dout!

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