that is a nice way to put my posse`...ACTIVE! So despite the SNOW, sleeting rain, FREEZING coldness.... we managed to all four get dressed and head out for the boys tv shoot....
Dear Stacy,
Do you LOVE us? Its the worst weather possible and the boys are missing school (while i know its preschool..... I AM missing them being at school)
hugs and kisses, AMy
NO actually, i was very impressed with the boys behavior. We got there ON TIME, one minute early actually.....with smiles on our faces.... we got them dressed into their hollywood baby duds and waited....and waited....and waited.... Good thing we had some friends to entertain us.
WARNING: all pictures taken with iphone INSIDE= really really bad but you get the fuzzy idea
these were taken while waiting... NO we didn't sport crocs on tv! like i said "we got there early" one minute to be exact something HAD TO GIVE and it was my biggest baby's get up.... he sported the right matching shirt with basketball shorts, warm-up pants OVER them, socks and crocs. HE EVEN laughed on the way down.."mom, i am wearing socks with crocs.... that is something you DON'T DO...i can't wait 'til its warm and i won't wear socks"
oops! i have messed up my shirt mom.... it has water all over it.....
bad haircut UP CLOSE!!!!
and those were all WAItiNG
Here is our "set up"
THe kids were suppose to walk through this little house, STOP, and let stacey and our local news anchor describe/promote the clothing.....
first born.... did EXACTLY what he was suppose to
Middle baby....well, he ran through like someone was chasing him to the next object that caught his eye, the camera man followed him and only time will tell what type of footage he was able to get???
oh and the littlest lamb was the FINALE of the tv segment.
HE DID GREAT! i was a proud mama... He walked through, kinda slowed up, smiled, fell, got back up and waddled right into my arms.... It was all i could ask of him! They all did great, no surprises. SO TODAY I PLAN TO...
get up with some girlfriends, walk the streets shopping, eating, & drinking and celebrating LIFE....
Kicking my feet up and getting a pedi while eating dessert.... yeah, you are right, i WOULD for sure take that feather contraption OFF my head first...
Wait. WHAT? Charlie appt. at 9 am, Sam appt. at 9:30- head to a show WITH BOYS IN TOW at 10:15.... make sure kids are fed.... Taxi Charlie somewhere at 1:00 and then cook dinner and be at church at 6.... it was a good thought and maybe just maybe when my boys go off to college that is JUST WHAT I WILL DO.....Although, if i know my girlfriends.... We would get pedis first because there would be no stopping to eat cakes after a day of shopping and celebrating and if i know my hubby.....He would NOT MISS OUT and he would vacate us somewhere HOT, celebrating like we are 21, and laughing our heads off. oh and missing the boys being babies every single minute!
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